: lower black pain
: lower black pain.


another full year

The seven deadly sins get all the attention. They are the high school “bad kids” at the loudest lunchroom table, all switchblades and cigarettes, roaming life’s hallways like they own the place. The seven heavenly virtues are off studying at the library: prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, faith, hope, and charity: also a very impressive group, who do a lot of volunteer work that will look great on their college applications, but in my opinion are missing one critical member.

In all of human experience there is no more powerful alignment than gratitude.

To be grateful is to maintain perspective while keeping an open heart; it is, at its most powerful, chaos tamed by context. Nothing as crass as “well, at least I’ve got this” or “I guess it could always be worse”: gratitude is a state of mind where one acknowledges the random non-structure of life and recognizes the absolute miracle in anything happening at all.

In recent weeks I’ve been particularly supported by those closest to me, people who have listened and counseled and listened some more. I have also experienced the luxury of having complete strangers look in after me, which always seems incredible, like those times someone returns a lost wallet with all the money still in it. I’ve lived in an aura of gratitude, which extends to you, as this this marks two years of writing a “weekly humor column”, and for some of you many months of reading it. Thank you. Time is super precious and I very much respect yours.

I’m giving myself a bit of a breath this week, so I still have enough to blow out the candle on the two year cake. I live in a 4th floor walkup, so I’m gonna need a minute.


This year was a bit of a cornucopia topic-wise.
If you’re new to the column, may I suggest this tale of mutual dignity:

or this study of youthful creativity:

or this hand drawn map to middle age:

Over 100 columns. Who’da thunk it? And no, of course I have no idea what I’m doing next year, but I will be continuing in some fashion. I should probably get on that, planning wise, since next year is essentially next week. Yikes. Perhaps a sea shanty, just to start things off. Or maybe a treatise on the taste of baby aspirin. Something relatable.

This weekend is packed; the Eurovision song contest, Mother’s Day, a new season of Doctor Who… there will be opportunities to create new things and stand with new friends and enjoy new experiences. I’m super excited about the weekend, but that does not mean I’m disappointed about today. Today I got up and fed the cats, had a bowl of corn flakes with my family, went to work, got some stuff done. I got to take a little walk at lunchtime, and drank enough water, and wore one of the shirts that makes me look less like a chocolate marshmallow. This weekend will be a celebration of many things, but today, today happened. I appreciate that. And I very much appreciate you.

Thank you for your time, and see you next year.

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: lower black pain
: lower black pain.
Life’s lemons into rich, dark chocolate.
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