I love this, Jd.

I remember playing with Micro Machines as a kid. My friend and I would dream up these elaborate plots with characters -- friends, enemies, alliances, and betrayals -- all in service of the moment, using the only tool at our disposal: our imagination (well, and Micro Machines).

Sometimes, when I'm working on my novel, and I get lost in plot points, character arcs and breaking into the third act, I try to remember that indulging in one's imagination without parameters or judgment is the point. I try to summon the Micro Machines days.

Thanks for the reminder!

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Beautiful read! And I love what your say: "As kids we imagine and it’s all about the moment, not the future"

Unfortunately as adults we only use our imagination to imagine the worst case scenario in the future.

Love how you started having fun again! Inspirational πŸ™πŸΌ

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I love the thought of your voice as an ax - at least I think that is what you meant?!

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